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Badger Reuse Plan Core Values

Value 1

The Badger property is managed as a single unit. The managers and owners of land and activities have an affirmative, formal obligation and written agreement to manage the property collaboratively and holistically, and to empower local stakeholders in identifying, discussing, and influencing major management and long-term use decisions. All stakeholders, especially local interests, support the long-term reuse vision and management activities at the Badger property.

Value 4

Uses and activities at the Badger property contribute to the reconciliation and resolution of past conflicts involving the loss and contamination of the natural environment, the displacement of Native Americans and Euro-American farmers, and the effects of war.

Value 7

Uses of the Badger property will protect and enhance the natural landscape, geological features, biological communities, plant and animal populations, and ecological processes of the property and surrounding properties. The natural features and biological diversity of the site and the surrounding landscape - including the Baraboo Range National Natural Landmark, Devil's Lake State Park, the Wisconsin River, the Riverland Conservancy’s Merrimac Preserve, and properties maintained by The Nature Conservancy and other private landowners - are protected and enhanced.

Value 2

The U.S. Army and/or the federal government complete the highest quality cleanup of the Badger property's contaminated land, water, building, and infrastructure in a timely manner. Unwanted buildings and infrastructure are removed. Any land transfers do not entail the transfer of unforeseen cleanup responsibilities or liabilities to any party other than the federal government.

Value 5

Educational, research, and recreational opportunities afforded by the Badger property’s unique natural, agricultural, historical, and cultural resources are developed and made available to the public.

Value 8

The Badger property's open space is a valuable part of our community's current and future character. Our community's characteristic rural landscape of small towns, farms, and natural areas is preserved, and the conversion of the Badger property is inclusive and respectful of all the diverse residents of the area

Value 3

Buildings and infrastructure needed to support cleanup activities and other approved uses are maintained. Historically significant buildings and infrastructure are adequately preserved and protected.

Value 6

Compatible agricultural opportunities at the Badger property contribute to our community. Research involving sustainable agriculture, history, and the social and natural sciences continue to be an important activity at Badger.

Value 9

Uses and activities at the Badger property contribute to the area's economic stability and sustainability and have a positive impact on local municipalities.

Present Work

Since 2016, the Alliance has filed several lawsuits against the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Natural Resources Board for their approval of the Sauk Prairie State Recreation Area Final Master Plan. In accordance with the Badger Reuse Plan, all  Badger landowners agreed to abide by low-impact land use. However,  in its final plan, DNR allows off-road (dual-sport) motorcycles, military helicopter training, and dog training, which entails discharge of firearms year-round.  These “high impact” activities are in clear violation of the Badger Reuse Plan and will result in environmental damage to the property (soil erosion by off-road motorcycles, noise pollution by helicopters and nesting bird disturbance by dog training).  

The Alliance is also suing the National Park Service for its negligence in accepting the DNR’s Master Plan without completing a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement as required by law.  The cases may take several years to progress through the courts.

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